Accesso Programmato
Medicina e Chirurgia - Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria
MIUR - Ministero dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca
Admission test for the degree course
Here is the published version of the IMAT question paper.
In this version the correct answer is option A for all questions.
Academic Year 2013/2014
International Medical Admission Test – IMAT Test in partnership with Cambridge Assessment – a.y. 2013/2014
All answers to questions n. 5 and n.54 were scored as correct.
The question numbers refer to those reported in the question paper available at:
IMAT test score
Si segnala un errore di stampa nel question paper alla domanda 14 ( )La risposta corretta è alla lettera C "It will not be as easy to prosecute drivers for falling asleep at the wheel as it is for drink driving." e non alla lettera A "It would be unfair to prosecute people for falling asleep at the wheel" come precedentemente pubblicato
A printing mistake was identified on question 14 of the question paper( )The correct answer is letter C "It will not be as easy to prosecute drivers for falling asleep at the wheel as it is for drink driving." , rather than letter A "It would be unfair to prosecute people for falling asleep at the wheel", as previously published.
IMAT – Risultati test.I risultati del test saranno pubblicati dopo le ore 16.00 di oggi 30 aprile.
IMAT – Test results.Test results will be published today after 4 p.m. (GMT+1).
23/04/2013 IMAT - deadline to give feedback on the content of the test questions or the test administration
30/04/2013 IMAT - test results (
09/05/2013 IMAT - final rankings (
- Here is the published version of the IMAT question paper.
Note: In this version the correct answer is option A for all questions.
- IMAT 2013 - Test Venue Details - 18 centres outside of Italy view
- Modalità e contenuti prove di ammissione al corso di laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia in lingua inglese a.a. 2013/2014:
Decreto Ministeriale del 14 febbraio 2013, n. 109